We shall sail Together

  • I know they already said they won't make PvE only servers, but why are they so stubborn on not adding any choice for all the players that don't want to fight against others?

    It takes so much time to gather some loot or trying world events, and everything can be screwed by unbalanced PvP encounters in a matter of seconds. The progression is slow and that wouldn't be such an issue if not for wasted session where you can't do almost anything to defend yourself.

    "A shared world where every encounter is different is what makes SoT unique" they say, but it makes it unique in the wrong way. Having seen what happened to the Arena, and the 2% time spent on it reason, I can assume two things: most of us don't want to PvP at all, and the majority of who wants it, it's for ruining others fun.

    Getting wrecked when most of the time you're just underpowered it's depressing, and so that becomes a bad game design decision. They added the ability to scuttle your ship as a workaround for spawnkillers, but that's not a solution, is more like an insult to those who succumb to that eventuality.

    In the end, I hope the devs hear us and change their minds, PvE only might not suite their vision of the game, but there are others way to mitigate players interactions, like giving us safe zones.

  • 13
  • This again.... :/

  • Sea of thieves is not a pve game and never will be its as simple as that you're meant to go out and take the risks its what makes the game if it wasn't for the risks and reward the game wouldn't be anything more than a gold coin farming simulator when you raise anchor and drop sails you accept the risk of dying, being defeated, getting robbed, and there is 2 ways to really avoid it keep practicing and learn from failed adventures and grow as a player or play a different game

  • Oh my word. Why is this such an issue for people? Pirates fight and kill each other all the time, get used to it and fight back as best you can. You can't tell me that if you were the best PvPer in the game that you wouldn't sink other peoples loot filled boats. Sorry, just the truth. it's all part of it, end of story. if you don't like it then don't play it...

  • @ghostfire1981 ha detto in We shall sail Together:

    This again.... :/

    And you ever stopped thinking why it happens so much?

  • @godz-viper most people I've fought are defeated quite easy because they bluff so... just try to fight. creating a pve server with only friendly pirates will create a serious PvP server whether you like it or not because people who like to fight can appear to be friendly but are not. let me put it this way: you're wasting your time.

  • @godz-viper said in We shall sail Together:

    And you ever stopped thinking why it happens so much?

    The process of loss is frustrating and at times upsetting. People use the site and other areas of socializing as a resource to vent those emotions.

    It's understandable and valid but that doesn't mean that changes to the foundation of a risk/reward environment are necessary or balanced by catering to the frustrations of an individual's loss in a random scenario in a dangerous environment that we all opt into.

  • @the-pheonix6886 This is such an issue for people because the PvP aspect of the game is unbalanced. Any PvP game try to achieve a balance among their powers, weapons, classes etc. many games do it by changing meta stuff after some time. Here, the interactions are just too unbalanced and create a bad experience for most, hence the volume of feedbacks like mine.

  • The Sea of ​​Thieves Community:

    alt text

  • so true...

  • @godz-viper pve only or safe zones are a terrible idea. if that's what you want this is the wrong game for you.

  • @godz-viper said in We shall sail Together:

    @ghostfire1981 ha detto in We shall sail Together:

    This again.... :/

    And you ever stopped thinking why it happens so much?

    I have.
    And have you read any of the 50 threads about this very same topic? In those we have discussed this matter a lot, and from many different angles. Rare has also replied and explained their stand on the matter, and why they do as they do (also found in some of those threads).

  • Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/136693/pvpve-the-team-s-thoughts/1

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

12 out of 13