So Your A New Pirate...

  • Movement
    Now there is the WASD (normal walk) and jump and run as well as slow walk

    but if you have shoes or a pegleg it can effect how sneaky you are because they make more sound than when you are shoeless or have a foot = So no shoes means less noise

    There is also the Sword lunge or dash which can be done different ways the regular way where you have your sword out and hold the attack button and jump at the last second of the charge and the slightly better block version where you have your sword out then hold the block button and then the attack button and jump at the last second this version allows you to go slightly longer

    Sound & Visuals
    These can Tell you alot like if you see a cloud that looks like a ship thats a fleet of skelly ships or a skull cloud that means theres a fort (can be different coloured and have 3 red lines is better then the basic skull cloud) as well a birds flying around a spot in the sea it means there is loot or a shipwreck there or even if the water turns black a kraken is upon you and if rats are running from below the decks it means there is most likely water

    Sound can tell you if there is something around you or about to happen even stuff like if your being boarded or a meg is near (if a white meg kill it its very low chance to appear) or an ancient skelly ( a very very important kill if you do not want to use real world money and low chance to appear) or your ship is straight the wheel will click or if you have the max wind speed (try and catch the lines in the sails and it will puff up a bit lines are also a visual just look up to see them) or if you have got ship damage (use boards from a brown barrel with a white symbol to fix the holes then bucket out the water)
    Praise and Links
    There are little small things like that you can discover in these waters and big mysteries and experiences and even some tales that show and make it a great game made by great people who care and they sometimes drop little clues and hints to whats on the horizon and how the seas and world will change and with regular updates and with lovingly and thought out lore too

    There links:

  • 3
  • @jokerintardis

  • @pithyrumble k

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