Combat Upgrades

  • I was thinking that you could upgrade your gun or sword to prestige 1-5 and when you get to 5 you get a random power from it that might give you a special move. For example, Someone might get wave whiplash as the random power and they need water to use it. When they use it the opponent is knocked back like getting his by a wave. Or a lighting move where the sword points at the sky then can shoot a strike of electrity at someone.

    And I Am Remaking my other post add something called skull enhancements. You find them on islands and there is only 1 of that certain enhancement every server. And you can either leave it on the ground but as soon as you pick it up you get the power to stop people from collected and hiding them. One of these skull inhancements could be called A pirates will where when you are under 10hp you can heal back up but it has a 5 minute cooldown. Another one could be called a hunt for gold where you can track every ship with treasure on it reapers flag or not. Some of these dont spawn in every server and they might be rarer than others. A rare one might be called reign over all where the players fist turns to gold and they can shoot gold or punch people with a gold fist which would do more damage or something names let everything burn where the player can shoot fireballs and turn there body into flame at will or a enhancement that allows the user to see the users inventory and how much health they have. This could encourage people to fight at islands that have these skulls and make more ships allowed in a server. I also reccomend a bounty system where you can put bounties on other players. The skull enhancement could also work where if you die the skull is placed on a random island and you cannot get another one for a certain amount of time. A skull enhancement that might be the rarest would be called something like spirit of the king of the pirates where they have the ability to control the seas in their favor. This ability could only be used once before it goes away and only have 1/100 chance of spawning. The ability could be used to spawn in a treasure or spawn in a kraken or boss to kill another crew.

    The game should also have in server events that encourage players to come together. An example would be like a sea war at a certain location and could give rewards like 50k gold to split in the crew or skull enhancements.

    These could encourage players to engage in pvp instead of hiding and fight for their rights of being a pirate in the world of sea of thieves


  • 15
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  • Sounds like minecraft and overwatch had an unwanted child.

  • @zerrryy said in Combat Upgrades:

    Sounds like minecraft and overwatch had an unwanted child.

    To me it sounds overcomplicated and confusing for something that would make the game into magical wizard fights instead of a pirate game

  • While definitely a cool idea this is one of those things that would cause a vertical leveling of weapons. That goes against everything Rare has been preaching since day one. No pirate should be inherently more powerful than the other because he/she is a higher level, or has a higher level weapon. Something similar could be that the third attack or killing blow of a weapon have a unique cosmetic effect. Like an ice blade that freezes their body when they go down and if they aren’t revived, they shatter.

  • [mod edit]

  • @cptnpotbeard Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @triheadedmonkey Can you atleast anchor this silly discussion. He already had a thread yesterday same topic. You know just as well powerups like that have no place in sea of thieves.

  • What game do you think you are playing? You should probably learn about SoT before asking for something that will never get added. There is nothing that gives players an advantage, the only possible thing is supplies, but that is not a straight buff to a crew and every crew has equal opportunity to get supplies.

  • @cptnpotbeard @triheadedmonkey
    I agree, it seems like this player isnt even following the basic concept of the game and trying to recommend ideas to make it like other games, IE Forenite or whatever it's called.

  • But don't send hate and be rude @CptnPotBeard
    Although, powerups have no sense, its a great idea.

  • B A L A N C E

  • @timedsatyr79799 I never sent hate. All I said was the idea was idiotic and triheaded cleaned it up which is fine. But annoying to see this dude keep posting the same idea that isn't going anywhere.

  • @CptnPotBeard
    Great then.

  • I was thinking that you could upgrade your gun or sword to prestige 1-5 and when you get to 5 you get a random power from it that might give you a special move. For example, Someone might get wave whiplash as the random power and they need water to use it. When they use it the opponent is knocked back like getting his by a wave. Or a lighting move where the sword points at the sky then can shoot a strike of electrity at someone.


    With those words and the basic way how the game works, I say No to any form of Power ups.

  • Want a power up to give you an edge? Grab a stronghold gunpowder barrel or a few cursed cannonballs...

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