Burying Treasure

  • Okay, so, I'm assuming most people on the forums here have seen the new Season 5 announcement. There were a lot of interesting things being introduced, but one thing caught my eye. Burying your own treasure.
    I've seen this on the forums a lot, so I assume Rare has listened to the community on this. :) However, there was no mention of what would happen if you sank after burying your treasure. I know there are many people who would rather bury their treasure and leave than sink and give it to another crew, and this seems like a very big flaw in the game.
    I have never been totally against burying your own treasure. So long as it is implemented right, I'm fine with it. And, right now, Rare is very close to getting it right, but they're not quite there yet.
    I have a suggestion. Make it so that when a crew sinks, the maps for their buried treasure appear. Like regular loot, they float up to the surface. Maybe in the form of a scroll, or something like that. Although, this wouldn't be the case if the quest has been placed on the Quest Board.

    Edit: Just watched Rare’s latest video. It’s pretty much the same to what I was thinking. This update will definitely create a lot of interesting interactions between players.

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  • But you haven't even tested it, how come you already want it to change while it's not even out yet?

  • @scurvywoof you will see tomorrow, how it works...
    I don't like saying that, but I guess here it's ok: laughs in insider...or something like that 😉

  • @lovelocc Correct. But, you would’ve thought Rare would’ve said something about it, considering how big of an impact it could have on PvP.

  • @schwammlgott said in Burying Treasure:

    @scurvywoof you will see tomorrow, how it works...
    I don't like saying that, but I guess here it's ok: laughs in insider...or something like that 😉

    Jokes on you, I live in Australia, which means each update comes out at like midnight

  • @scurvywoof sagte in Burying Treasure:

    @schwammlgott said in Burying Treasure:

    @scurvywoof you will see tomorrow, how it works...
    I don't like saying that, but I guess here it's ok: laughs in insider...or something like that 😉

    Jokes on you, I live in Australia, which means each update comes out at like midnight

    So then...join Insider and look today...

  • @scurvywoof said in Burying Treasure:

    @lovelocc Correct. But, you would’ve thought Rare would’ve said something about it, considering how big of an impact it could have on PvP.

    To be fair, the season 5 update is huge with a lot of different quality of life and gameplay aspects added (very hyped for it). It would be hard to give every single detail for all of the new content coming out via the promo pieces they have done for it so far.

    It would be a lot better to reserve judgement on new content pieces until after testing it out and seeing how any particular one may actually play out in the game first.

  • Options...

    A) Go join Insiders and see how it works
    B) Wait literally a day and see how it works

    Judging the feature before playing with it seems strange to me.

  • @scurvywoof said:

    Make it so that when a crew sinks, the maps for their buried treasure appear. Like regular loot, they float up to the surface. Maybe in the form of a scroll, or something like that.

    Good suggestion! 🤭

  • Relax, buddy, wait till you see how it works. Or go to the insider and help test and improve the new mechanics

  • I hope it's like Shrine statues and I can bury something, server hop and dig it up again JUST to make pvp players mad there's ANOTHER way to keep loot from them lololol🤪😈☠

  • @pithyrumble i wont expect it to work like this, since all maps get removed on server hop

  • They released a deep dive video on youtube in the last hour

    They did it right imo. At this stage of my piracy it's not something I'm gonna much do but it appears to be a great addition for others and seems to be put together in a great way to connect people more even if not by name but by voyage.

    Out of all the requests for more or "better voyages" this is probably the best they could have done to address that in some way now it's never really dull for people that are interested in voyaging.

    From what I've seen a really cool thing for a lot of people.

  • I like the fact people are over looking the other stuff. Like the free emotes to roll dice?!!
    Like the coin flip we can now have our own liars dice game. With few edit rules

  • I’d say test it before you start asking for improvements. Doesn’t make sense to say Rare isn’t quite there when you have no experience with what you’re talking about.

  • @scurvywoof Stealing treasure maps confirmed!

  • Well, I just read the patch notes. Yay
    @Deckhands You can lock my post, now. I practically suggested something already being added.

    Yes, I’m impatient and couldn’t wait.

  • @scurvywoof Consider it done matey :D

    Happy sailing!

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