Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Rain on my Banana' Screenshot.

  • We offered bananas to the storm for safe passage out of the harbor. :)

    6-pack to VinyCargo9
    Capstan to Salty Jimi

  • Capstan to: BenjaaMaster

  • Capstan to me: GG LOKIUS
    6-Pack to my friend: Marloo17

  • Bow down to King Banana!

    Capstan: SeraphLUL
    6-Pack: Marloo17

  • Apparently my parrot's beak attracts lightning.

  • After trying to find a shot in the middle of a storm with my bud mdogg, I wanted to get an action shot BADLY. We saw a galleon in the distance and decided to spar them for a cool shot. Instead we slammed directly into their galleon, I personally jumped on their boat with mdogg's banana bird and then proceeded to be sacrificed to the banana gods. I didn't know they were acolytes of the golden banana god, boy did I learn that lesson.

    alt text

    6piece: Mdogg1991
    Capstan: xKoryoko

  • @lizalaroo I weren't supposed t' open this 'til Christmas, but looks like t' tempest soilt the packagin'!

  • a banana smile
    Obsidian 6 Pack - Createrr#7022
    Obsidian Capstan - AbsolutezeRO491

  • It approached real quick

    6 Pack and Capstan - Orthian Artemis

  • Just what you asked for. @lizalaroo

  • Banana of the damned!

    Capstan: Culper4210
    6Pack: MikeP1776

  • Rain + banana = some impressive screenshots this past week!

    Dropping anchor while the content of this thread is perused, but remember to pop back tomorrow to see who’s sailing away with the loot and what your next mission is…. Should you choose to accept it.

85 out of 86