Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition)Your Best 'Me and the Red Sea' Screenshot [RESULT]

  • Another week full of great screenshots. Thank you everyone who participated in this ‘just for fun’ competition. :D

    This weeks winning screenshot is by....
    @ShadowFlare7978 (6 pack for you me matey)

    and as he's kindly offering part of his prize to....

    @ThickishJester (Capstan for you)

    Well done me matey! 😁👍🏻

  • 12
  • nice shot:)

  • Album Cover worthy

  • @lizalaroo

    Good picture, I have no complaints. I do have a question, any chance we can claim the obsidian wheel and cannons in a possible twitch drop? It’s been over a year since we had the chance to get the wheel and cannons. I would like to complete the set

  • Congrats! A nice and simple screenshot

  • @coffeelight5545 Anything is always possible :) Who knows!

  • Wow thanks! can fiiiiiinally complete the obsidian ship set 😍

  • Thanks @lizalaroo!
    Been wanting the 6 pack for a while, so thanks for making my day!

  • @lizalaroo

    Can you suggest to Rare to give us a chance to get the wheel and cannons?

    I know can’t reveal what is coming if Rare honors my request. All I ask is that you can suggest my idea. I pray my request doesn’t fall on deaf ears

  • Hi @lizalaroo i don’t want to be a pain but the capstan hasn’t been applied to my account yet. No rush as i know you’ll be busy modding the forums, building cool props, and dreaming up our next competition task!

  • Well, hope I'll win next time. Congrats!

  • Good shot!

11 out of 12