New Milestone idea focused on PvP: The Warmonger

  • That's the idea. a PvP milestone that focuses mainly on fighting other players. the reason I think it should be called "The Warmonger" is because of how i feel it works as a fitting title for a more PvP focused crew. (not to mention, i think some players would like to have their ship be titled: "The Legendary Warmonger"

    what do you all think?

    edit: I couldn't think of any specific Warmonger Milestones for this, which is why i only brought up the name. I'm open to suggestions though that any of you might have.

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  • I'm open to brainstorming more milestones when the ones they've had have been fixed IMO. There are several that need to be altered before I'm going to feel like adding more content- because it may just end up at the same level of highly repetitious gameplay.

    I do think if there were PvP milestones it could be:

    • Captain'd Ships Sunk
    • Masts Splintered
    • Flags Turned In
    • Logbooks Turned In
    • Loot Stolen (In Gold)

    These would be the least corner-case situations, and probably the more natural to collect while PvPing on the Sea of Thieves.

  • How is the game gonna know the difference between

    Sinking a player ship in pvp and sinking a player ship that just sitting there.

    The latter is not pvp and shouldn’t be counted because your basically just sinking empty ships without fighting.
    (Which at this point I assume all the pvp junkies do and claim they are pros) :p

  • The only way PvP milestones would work, whether for kills or for sinks, without negatively impacting the environment by making fresh spawns a target, is by making the progress count only at World Events or against emissary ships (any grade).

    Furthermore, and more importantly, each kill/sink would have to be unique to each player/ship, in order to prevent cheesing or spawncamping. Either once per session, or once per ship life. Meaning that if you wipe a crew of 4 repeatedly, you only get 4 kills counted. If you sink them and they return, and you wipe them again, that's another 4.

    World Events used to be the PvPvE hot spots in Adventure. The new milestones should drive more activity to forts and fleets, but a reason to PvP might draw even more PvP players to compete for them.

    Gives us something to do other than hound PvE reapers down all session.

  • @burnbacon said in New Milestone idea focused on PvP: The Warmonger:

    How is the game gonna know the difference between

    Sinking a player ship in pvp and sinking a player ship that just sitting there.

    The latter is not pvp and shouldn’t be counted because your basically just sinking empty ships without fighting.
    (Which at this point I assume all the pvp junkies do and claim they are pros) :p

    I don't think it matters that much. There's a lot of ways you can cheese both commendations and milestones (which is why Rare probably stacks up the count so high). However, people will always find ways to grind things out more efficiently or to minimize the time needed for the maximum output.

    If that's a player's playstyle that's fine. I personally have grown out of that and want to enjoy the journey there. (Though if an opportunity to cut some time presents itself, I'm not one to discard it).

    Otherwise I think that the argument that "This can be cheated on" shouldn't be used to discredit "This might be a cool addition to the game" since it already happens and isn't something Rare can exactly police.

  • PvP milestones: gross
    PvP milestones: why not?

    There are a lack of pvp milestones. I don't want them added because people will bother me. I do want them added because pvpve.

    I feel it was a conscious decision. They took away ships sunk. (And 🤢... bruh)

    I don't like pvp. I don't want to pvp. Pvp is becoming the red headed step child of SoT.

    Not that there is any problems with redheads, stepchildren or a combination of the two.

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