I think this game needs 3 game modes

  • I really feel this game needs 3 modes of play...

    Arena (but this mode needs to be tweaked)
    Pirate Adventure; PVP, exactly how it is right now for Adventure, except better loot, high risk, high reward.
    Casual Adventure; No PVP, you can't kill other players or damage their ship. You can still have alliances and share loot. You can still battle together all the regular PVE, just not other players. But, the loot is less. Low risk, low reward.

  • 4
  • No thanks, the game is fine the way it is, and does not need more pve alliance server nonsense for farming.

  • This is a duplicate thread, see my response here:


    There is also a megathread for this never ending discussion.

  • @myfeistykiwi As with the other topic, I'll be dropping anchor on this thread as we have a dedicated Mega thread here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/126843/mega-thread-pvp-and-pve-playstyle-discussion

3 out of 4